HD Video Wall 11.5′ x 6.6′ (P 2.6mm)


Rent HD Video Wall 11.5ft by 6.6ft in San Francisco. HD Video Wall 11.5ft by 6.6ft 2.6 mm pixel density.

Aspect ration ~16:9 (1.75:1)

Max power consumption of 4.62 kw

Typ. power consumption 1.54 kw

Perfect for indoor weddings, presentations, small shows, promotions.


11.5’w x 6.6’h video wall, 2.6 mm pixel density.

PG included 28 P2.6 Indoor LED video panels

Description: 3840Hz refresh rate
Cabinet size:500*500mm
Pixel Pitch 2.6 mm

Min. viewing distance 8.53 feet.

Aspect ration ~16:9 (1.75:1)

Max power consumption 8.91 kw

Typ. power consumption 2.97 kw

Perfect for indoor weddings, presentations, small shows, promotions.

Power generator is not included but can be added for an additional price.

Can be built and different shapes or forms.

Give us a call at (877) 409-6999

This is a standard price that will stay unless additional equipment required for your set up.

(It all depends on location)

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